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To-do-list in Iidabashi

Iidabashi is a convenient point, where 4 underground lines and 2 JR train lines pass by. It is reachable from any direction of Tokyo. What is around this station?

Iidabashi is well known of the mix between Japanese traditional vibe and European modern vibe. Especially French community is quite big in this area. Not in many places in Tokyo, you will find geishas, but in Iidabashi you might see one, since headquarter of geishas is close to the station. During the Edo period, Kagurazaka dori was an entertainment street connected to the Edo castle (which is now the Tokyo Imperial Palace). Probably that is also the reason, there are many Japanese restaurants serving Japanese lunch/dinner set and shops selling kimonos, ceramic dishes and Japanese gifts.

IIdabashi map

Iidabashi station is located in the center of Tokyo. To Shinjuku by train, it takes 12 minutes. To Tokyo station it takes 11 minutes, to Ikebukuro it takes 10 minutes and to Roppongi it is about 22 minutes. The trains and the undergrounds coming to Iidabashi station:

  • Oedo line
  • Yurakucho line
  • Namboku line
  • Tozai line
  • JR Chuo line
  • JR Sobu line

Some historical facts about Iidabashi:

  • In the beginning of the 17th century, Kagurazaka started to develop. But when the Meiji period started, Samurai warriors left Kagurazaka and Kagurazaka got a new character as a shopping and entertainment neighborhood.
  • The French community started in 1975. The French junior highschool in Kagurazaka made families of French background living in this area.


Interesting points about Iidabashi

  • European influence, especially French vibe
  • Left over of Geisha houses and a geisha school in Tokyo
  • An old sento bathhouse where geishas used to come to take a bath. The sento bathhouse is still open.
  • In the beginning of April, quite a lot of people come to Iidabashi to see cherry blossoms and to picnic along the Kanda River.


For knowing the area a bit better, a map with images:

Sakura in Iidabashi area

Canal cafe

canal cafe in Kagurazaka, Iidabashi

kagurazaka shops

Kagurazala paved alleys

shops in Kagurazaka

Bisyamonten in Kagurazaka and Koishikawa garden

institut Francais in KagurazakaIzakayas in Kagurazaka

Information about Kagurazaka

This is more about the east side of Kagurazaka, but in walking distance, you can easily continue in Kagurazaka dori until Kagurazaka station. To know more about Kagurazaka, see our Kagurazaka guide map:
To-do-list of Kagurazaka

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