Nakameguro Your neighbourhood guide August. 08,2022 To-do-list in Yutenji Tuuu-tuu-tuuu, for train geeks, Yutenji is probably an interesting area. A train geek opened a train curry restaurant and actually bought an original wheel of the last locomotive C... Your neighbourhood guide August. 08,2022 To-do-list in Nakameguro Is Nakameguro a residential area? Especially in weekends and in March and April, you probably think Nakameguro is part of Tokyo’s center. But! Nakameguro is officially a residentia... Residents interview & lifestyle July. 04,2022 Resident Interview: Witt-style Nakameguro in Yutenji We spoke with Ms. A, a resident in the Witt-Style Nakameguro share house. Moving from our Happy House Kagurazaka house to Witt-Style Nakameguro, Ms. A has experienced two...